Motivational Session By Dr. Jayasimha
A motivational session had been conducted by Dr.Jayasimha Sir on 17th of October, 2024 at Punarvasu PU College, Nelamangala. The session was conducted for STD IX and X. All the students including the class teachers of the respective classes participated in the session. The session was presided by the Principal of VVSN, Smt. RenugaDevi Ma’am; Vice Principal Shri. Raghavendra Bhat.
The session threw light on achieving academic excellence through manifold activities of motivation. The prime significance of the session was to motivate and inspire students to think better, comprehend better and to accomplish in their academics. It was a practical session which involved a conversational based teaching and learning process. A few points to be mentioned in a nutshell, about the session is as follows.
Communication and its types
Rapid Reading.
Techniques /Tools to be adopted to score better
- a) Determination
- b) ‘Perfect Practice makes man perfect’ and not practice that makes man perfect
- c) An example of fish which highlighted on how to tame ones tongue for ones prosperity in academics
Cause of anger
- a) Expectation from others
- b) Dependence on others
- c) Ego
Its only rational thinking that will help a student achieve success in life.
Methods to be adopted for academic prosperity
- a) develop creativity
- b) develop ideas (innovation)
Steps to remember things well
Through linking method which includes PACE, which is as follows.
P- Picture
A- Action/Associate with something
C- Colours
E – Exaggerate.
The above briefed points were explained in detail by various practical examples and by conducting fun games.
The session was a fun learning activity which highlighted on the in depth methodologies and techniques to be adopted by a student to have a successful career.
Things to be shunned that bring barrier in academics was also discussed by Sir. Such as to keep oneself away from smart phones, unnecessary browsing of internet, to be away from TV and entertainment that is sensual. All these things cause a great hindrance for one to achieve success in life.
It was a great take away for all the students and teachers as well. The session came to a closure through a vote of thanks undertaken by Punarvasu Principal. The knowledge and understanding received from the session was lively and restored a great revival and rejuvenation in everyone who attended the session.